Wild Aperture Tours
Please mention our names when booking with Tracey, she is a lovely person & takes some great wildlife tours or book through us at no extra cost
Dartmoor Zoo Photographic Tuitorial Experience Days
The 2nd Friday of every month we are holding experience days of photographing big cats, carnivores & all things wildlife related. The day includes keeper morning feeding the animals, lunch, drinks & guidance from two professional photographers throughout the day 9am-4pm £180 each .
Please click on the link to book & don't miss out out on this wonderful opportunity to see where the film "I Bought a Zoo" was based on.*p7xpcn*_ga*MTk1ODY2ODUwNC4xNzEwMzI3MTUw*_ga_WLKZGV5PVW*MTcxNzQwODc0OS4xNTkuMS4xNzE3NDA5MTY3LjU0LjAuMA
Please click on the link to book & don't miss out out on this wonderful opportunity to see where the film "I Bought a Zoo" was based on.*p7xpcn*_ga*MTk1ODY2ODUwNC4xNzEwMzI3MTUw*_ga_WLKZGV5PVW*MTcxNzQwODc0OS4xNTkuMS4xNzE3NDA5MTY3LjU0LjAuMA
British Red Squirrel -South West Project-
Red Squirrels are our only indigenous squirrel species, so if you are keen to help our native wildlife, you might be interested in this link.
This shows you where all the best goings on are happening